
About Christopher F. Earley

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So far Christopher F. Earley has created 59 blog entries.
18 10, 2021

Another remote working ethics opinion

2022-08-08T18:34:15-04:00By |Technology|

We're heading into a “new normal” and the way the business was conducted before the pandemic is likely a thing of the past. Given that reality, it's no surprise that since the very start of the pandemic, ethics committees across the country have handed down opinions on how to work remotely while maintaining ethical compliance.

20 08, 2021

Think before you post to social media

2022-08-08T18:34:20-04:00By |Management, Technology|

This recommendation applies to everyone, of course. But if you’re a lawyer, then you’d best heed my advice and tread lightly when posting commentary online on social media sites or elsewhere. Otherwise you run the risk of running afoul of your ethical obligations and unleashing the wrath of your bar’s disciplinary body. At the very least, you’ll face embarrassment and at the worst you may be disciplined or even barred from the practice of law altogether.

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