Public Relations: Why engaging a PR professional is essential for attorneys

Public Relations: Why engaging a PR professional is essential for attorneys

By Ellen Keiley

Before engaging a public relations professional to help with publicity, I often see attorneys focusing on obtaining confirmation of a guaranteed number of media mentions, even though media coverage cannot be guaranteed. Rest assured, if you hire an experienced PR pro, you will secure coverage. Moreover, it’s important to remember that, like anything else, it’s the quality and reach of the coverage that truly matter, not the quantity.

Another thing to consider is the significant impact of the reach a major media mention has compared to simply publishing content on a firm’s website or newsletter. Here’s why:

You will reach a broader audience: Major media outlets have a much larger and more diverse audience than a firm’s website or newsletter. This broadens exposure significantly beyond the firm’s contacts or usual visitors. Major media outlets have an enormous audience, potentially reaching millions of people.

Credibility: Being featured in a well-known media outlet enhances the credibility of a lawyer and law firm. It positions them as experts.

Search engine optimization (SEO): Mentions in major media provide valuable backlinks to the firm’s website, improving its search engine ranking and driving more traffic.

Social media: Content can be passed along on social media and has the potential to be shared exponentially, particularly if the media publication shares the content.

Often I am asked where the ROI (return on investment) is with PR. My answer: In addition to enhanced visibility and credibility, media coverage can open doors to new client work and other opportunities such as speaking engagements. The legal landscape is incredibly competitive, and media coverage provides an advantage over others.

Leaving it to the professionals

Some feel they can handle PR in-house. However, securing major media coverage typically requires significant time, effort, and expertise. In-house teams often lack the expertise and media contacts that PR professionals have. These relationships increase the rate of success in securing major media coverage quickly and effectively. PR professionals are very experienced with creating and distributing pitches and press materials, tracking media coverage, and managing communications.

Additionally, media-savvy PR professionals understand what is truly newsworthy, know the media landscape, are practiced at pitching stories effectively, and understand the best media outlets to approach. Pitching is a very important skill and it is critical to be able to resonate with journalists and editors.

Don’t forget, outsourcing PR also enables in-house teams to focus on marketing and business development efforts throughout the firm.

The final word

Finally, it’s crucial to proactively pursue media opportunities and maintain a long-term PR strategy. Staying ahead allows you to capitalize on new laws or other news developments relevant to your practice area, positioning you as a go-to expert for quotes and interviews. Being on a PR professional’s radar ensures you are considered for these opportunities as they arise. If you wait too long to engage, you might miss the chance, as the story could already be covered.


Ellen M. Keiley is president of EMK Consulting Group, which offers public relations, business development coaching, and training for law firms and other professional services firms. She can be contacted at [email protected].

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