Another remote working ethics opinion
We're heading into a “new normal” and the way the business was conducted before the pandemic is likely a thing of the past. Given that reality, it's no surprise that since the very start of the pandemic, ethics committees across the country have handed down opinions on how to work remotely while maintaining ethical compliance.
Handle with care accommodation requests for remote work
As a result of a first-of-its-kind case filed recently by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, employers may soon get a glimpse at the administrative body’s attitude toward the future of work-from-home arrangements.
The ‘morning huddle’: short and sweet — and powerful
The morning huddle is something I have discovered to be a powerful and yet really simple method of improving my practice. While it brings numerous benefits, its principal benefit for me is that it creates and maintains daily alignment in my firm.
Delegating to others can help grow your practice
If someone else can do something 70% as well as you can, delegate it.
The importance of technology competence in the e-filing era
If you remain unconvinced about the importance of technology competence, perhaps a recent federal appeals court decision will do the trick.
Think before you post to social media
This recommendation applies to everyone, of course. But if you’re a lawyer, then you’d best heed my advice and tread lightly when posting commentary online on social media sites or elsewhere. Otherwise you run the risk of running afoul of your ethical obligations and unleashing the wrath of your bar’s disciplinary body. At the very least, you’ll face embarrassment and at the worst you may be disciplined or even barred from the practice of law altogether.
How the legal profession could fight burnout better
Members of the legal profession—including lawyers, paralegals and support staff—face working conditions that could not be worse for our own well-being.
Lawyer impairment in the age of remote work
Remote work may turn out to be helpful to individual lawyer well-being, but at the same time law firm management may have more difficulty recognizing and assessing mental health issues that could interfere with a lawyer’s ability to practice law.
Now is the time for post-COVID HR audits
As companies prepare policies for their post-pandemic workplace, allowing employees to maintain work-from-home arrangements can have major ramifications.
Here’s why your firm needs to be in the cloud
The reason it’s so important for lawyers to understand technology is because it has a direct impact on both the practice of law and the business of running a law firm.

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