A guide to office holiday party preparedness: How to blend in and get out
Find tips here for successfully navigating the annual office bash without undue anxiety, awkwardness, or alcohol consumption. Read more @ attorneyatwork.com
When cultures collide: How children inspire inclusion in the legal profession
Lawyers would do well to adopt the innocent curiosity children naturally have when they interact with others, especially people from unfamiliar backgrounds, the author says. Read more @ attorneyatwork.com
Simple principles for building a thriving practice (no superhero cape required)
Establishing a successful law practice is about consistently doing productive, positive things. Keep it simple, stay genuine, and trust your process. Read more @ attorneyatwork.com
Prepare yourself for a happy lawyer retirement
The upshot of these tips is that lawyers must do diligent planning in advance, from securing a financial nest egg to lining up rewarding ways to fill their days. Read [...]
Being a better public speaker as a lawyer
Tips on how lawyers can better achieve three “Cs” of effective public communications – being calm, confident and in control. Read more @ attorneyatwork.com

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