‘Abracadabra’ can be a magic word for lawyer wellness
Learning to think of the word first when you are upset or angry can lead to more positive and measured responses under stress. Read more @ slaw.ca
Tips for associates who want to avoid the second-year blues
The thrill and anxiety of being a first-year associate are over. Now what? Read more @ martindale-avvo.com
Stop wasting time: How to run more efficient law firm meetings
Here are ways to reclaim the hours lost in endless office meetings with colleagues that could be more productively spent with cases or clients. Read more @ attorneyatwork.com
Killing the perfectionist attorney: Hacks for effective decision-making
What life might look like if you had a simple and effective process for making decisions quickly and with confidence. Read more @ abovethelaw.com
The importance of staying connected: Always be networking
Diligent maintenance of a network of contacts can generate new clients for attorneys and lay the foundation for future career moves. Read more @ lawvision.com
Getting over yourself: Becoming the lawyer you want to be
Your brain is wired for survival, not transformation. But there are ways to overcome mental barriers and to act in more creative and compassionate ways. Read more @ attorneyatwork.com
The growth-minded lawyer: Turning challenges into opportunities
Don’t let fear of failure – or of success – give you a fixed mindset that stunts personal and professional growth. Read more @ slaw.ca
A lawyer’s supporting role is often the strongest: Showing up for clients
Some thoughts on how lawyers can earn the enduring trust of clients and build relationships for the long term. Read more @ attorneyatwork.com
Should lawyers consider a side hustle?
While mastering the law and areas of specialty must remain paramount, some lawyers find a sideline can not only be lucrative, but complementary to their practices. Read more @ attorneyatwork.com
Complete Communicator: New years provide an opportunity for new thinking
Complete Communicator: New years provide an opportunity for new thinking By Jay Sullivan Some legal practice areas slow down at year-end, and some get busier. There isn’t a typical “busy [...]

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