Harnessing the potential of operational KPIs and metrics
KPI’s are Key Performance Indicators. Understanding how a firm measures itself and defines its profitability goes a long way in determining where data and informational needs originate. Read more surepoint.com
The ESG revolution: how a new corporate code is reshaping business
ESG, short for “environmental, social, and governance,” has rapidly emerged as a new code shaping how companies operate, innovate, and measure success. Read more complexdiscovery.com
Practical preparation for project management tools
Project management tools are a way to help your law firm run more efficiently on both the legal matter management side as well as the business side. But proper implementation [...]
Building stronger client bonds through strategic rate setting
There is a symbiotic relationship between law firms and their clients, especially when discussing rates and value. Rate setting is not about drawing a line in the sand against your [...]
Thomson Reuters future of professionals report: AI impact
In a Thomson Reuters survey of 1,200 professionals, 67% of respondents said they believe AI will have a transformational or high impact on their profession in the next five years. [...]
Leveraging change in lead and call generation
As more people go online to find legal help, more law firms go online to find new clients. Read more at lawtechnologytoday.org
5 ways to improve eDiscovery communication
Communicating with legal technology project managers has the added complexity of technical jargon and industry shorthand. Here are tips for conveying your clients' needs to eDiscovery professionals. Read more at [...]
Should you be able to time-write knowledge management activity?
When the billable hour is king, how should law firms bill time spent on knowledge management activities? Should they bill the client, or introduce a separate charge code and treat [...]
Law librarians express uncertainty about AI and the future
Law librarians said at a conference that they find themselves caught between a past they thought they knew and a future they do not fully understand. Read more www.lawnext.com
Readiness steps to prepare for the data avalanche
Legal teams are being engulfed by an overwhelming amount of data. Here are seven steps to prepare for that data avalanche. Read more at ediscoverytoday.com
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