Protecting your time with time management practices
As attorneys, our time is our stock in trade. Effective time management is therefore the name of the game. Maximizing our time is essential to our personal productivity. More importantly, time management allows us to maintain our sanity.
Hiring: Finding the right person is mission critical
We’ve all been there. We hire someone we really believe will be a great hire. Soon, though, it becomes clear it is not a good fit. I had to make [...]
Pandemic drives professional services industry to use new hiring, retention strategies
Companies are rethinking their hiring practices post-COVID-19 and are implementing new strategies to attract top talent as job seekers shift some of their priorities moving forward.
Tips for managing remote employees
Forward thinking law firm leaders should take advantage of this opportunity to fine tune their management skills for both in-office or remote teams.
Zoom etiquette guidance offered to lawyers
In 2012, the American Bar Association acknowledged the indisputable influence of technology on the practice of law when it modified comment 8 to Model Rule 1.1 to state that maintaining technology competence is part of the ethical obligations of lawyers.
Experts, ABA do not recommend replying to bad online reviews
Potential clients’ faith in online reviews is welcome if a lawyer or law firm under consideration has a five-star rating, but a single bad review can have an ongoing harmful effect. Broadly found that one bad review from a disgruntled client will turn away 30 clients on average.
Year later, ABA issues ethical guidance for working remotely
A lawyer’s ethical obligations when working remotely are outlined in a new opinion issued by the American Bar Association nearly a year after most attorneys set up shop at home in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Hiring practices can counter implicit bias, systemic racism
Many corporations called for change and taking on responsibility for their role in addressing racial and social justice issues. Now, many in-house counsel departments are re-evaluating their outside counsels’ diversity commitments.
The importance of technology competence when communicating electronically
It’s always been important to ensure that you understand how to use the technologies that you use regularly in your practice. But now that many of us are working — and appearing in court — remotely, it’s imperative that lawyers are technologically competent when communicating electronically.
Law firms face new risks from public shaming of clients
Pressure campaigns urging law firms to withdraw from representing such clients have grown in frequency and sophistication in recent years, usually amplifying their message via social media.

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