Is email to blame?
The problem with office communication is not just the medium we use, but the culture, intent, human connection and inclusiveness that are needed to create collaborative leadership in organizations. Read [...]
Turning a brick-and-mortar law office into a virtual one
There are benefits to virtual legal services, in addition to cost saving, if logistics and transformation are managed properly. Read more at
Axiom launches Arizona-based law firm
Axiom, a global provider of on-demand legal services, has launched Axiom Advice & Counsel, an Arizona-based law firm. The move comes after several states have permitted the nonlawyer ownership of law firms. [...]
Law Firm Management: Run a law firm like a business
Law Firm Management: Run a law firm like a business By Christopher Earley I am a recovering lawyer. Sure, I'm still a lawyer, but I now handle very few cases [...]
Law firm consultants Lawyerist and Affinity to merge
Lawyerist Media LLC, which started as a blog in 2008 and evolved into a coaching and training company for small law firms, is merging with Affinity Consulting Group LLC, a [...]
Law firm rate increases from the GC’s perspective
Understanding the general counsel's perspective could guide firms in successfully implementing a year-end rate increase. Read more at
Are remote employees becoming less engaged?
One of firm leaders’ biggest worries about remote work is the reduction in spontaneous meetings and conversations with employees. But is this worry justified? Read more at
How to be a good boss: 10 ways to be a great leader
This post from a management thought leader discusses ways that you can become a great leader in your firm, without a large spend. Read more at
When legal leaders struggle with collaboration
It’s not uncommon for talented leaders to find collaboration unnatural. Rugged individualism set them apart and propelled their careers. If you’re a leader who struggles to collaborate with your peers, [...]
Management: Make your firm stand out from the pack
It is said that if you are doing what everyone else is doing, then you are by definition “average.” Lawyers and law firms often market themselves, and operate their practices, [...]

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