
About Bill Cresenzo

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So far Bill Cresenzo has created 59 blog entries.
22 01, 2021

ABA offers ethical guidance on responding to negative online reviews

2022-08-08T18:35:10-04:00By |Management, Technology|

Online reviews are great for consumers, but for business owners, navigating the world of online reviews can be tricky since responses to reviews, both negative and positive, are decidedly public. This confounding newfound reality can present problems for lawyers seeking to respond to negative online reviews since doing so can sometimes trigger ethics rules regarding confidential information.

14 11, 2020

Legal work is a marathon, not a sprint

2022-08-08T18:35:11-04:00By |HR, Management|

I have tried to think about ways running can make me a better lawyer. Here are just a few: (1) stepping into any legal matter should be viewed as a marathon, not a sprint; (2) it’s always better to run with others; (3) prepare for the terrain ahead; and (4) we need to nourish our bodies, which includes pausing for injury.

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